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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Jonas Sark essays
Jonas Sark articles In the 1950's, mid year was a period of dread for some guardians. Mid year was the season when kids by the hundreds got tainted with the devastating ailment poliomyelitis. This dread was at long last lifted when it was declared that Dr. Jonas Salk had built up an immunization against the ailment. Salk became world-renowned short-term, however his revelation was the aftereffect of numerous long periods of exploration. Salk was known as a wonder from God. He was additionally called The Man Who Saved the Children. He further charmed himself to the general population by declining to patent the antibody. He wanted to benefit by and by from the revelation, however just wished to see the antibody spread as generally as could reasonably be expected. In nations where Salk's immunization has stayed being used, the ailment has been practically wiped out. Polio was a devastating illness that guardians around the world were startled of. Maybe polio's other name, juvenile loss of motion, had something to do with it. Pictures of children in wheelchairs and tots on braces will in general change one's discernment. Furthermore, just on the off chance that anybody wasn't sufficiently frightened, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis pounded the bad dream home with photographs that appeared to show up wherever of miserable glancing youngsters in leg supports. Kindly provide for the March of Dimes It was unavoidable that whoever was first to alleviate such feelings of dread would turn into a national legend. The Man Who Saved the Children ought to be useful for a sculpture in each town on the planet. Also, since the chances of a microbiologist's turning out to be even somewhat well known are a great deal more regrettable than 5,000 to 1, it was maybe unavoidable that this present legend's accomplishments would promptly be contested. In a logical field so vigorously kept an eye on, discoveries routinely confuse and even minor revelations can leave a path of cases and counterclaims, also jealousy and bitterness that are genuinely hopeless. Jonas Salk was conceived on October 28, 1914. His folks were Russian-Jewish outsiders who, despite the fact that ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay --
Innovation is turning into an undeniably greater piece of every one of our lives. Everything appears to include some type of innovation whether it is a clock, a telephone or a vehicle. In any case, the particular zone of innovation I will concentrate on for my Individual Research is Digital Technology. I have picked this inquiry since innovation has a major influence of my life; I use it ordinary, regardless of whether it is for school, amusement or recent developments. Be that as it may, the increasingly more I utilize my PC the more I wonder do the advantages of innovation exceed the weaknesses. In this manner, from this inquiry it stemmed into the inquiry for my individual research Do the advantages of Digital Technology Outweigh the Disadvantages? Also, through my examination, I will have the option to pick up information on how innovation is valuable Globally, Nationally and by and by, and how it could be more useful than not. All through my individual research the primary subje ct I will cover will be Technology and Economic Divide. Be that as it may, all the more explicitly I could likewise concentrate on Social Networking, Robotics, and Communication and transportation. In the event that the world were to keeping progressing regarding innovation at the rate that it was today, we might see a significant development of Robots in our way of life. Robots might liberate us from proceeding to do dull and repetitive occupations. In spite of the fact that the facts may prove that we require the â€Å"training†from those sorts of occupations, the order and persistence. However, history has demonstrated that the vast majority of these repetitive occupations have been dispensed to the lower and white collar classes and pay for those employments is infrequently steady to the allure of work. With our present headways in innovation proceeding to the imminent future, robots will before long have the option to take... ...that if governments around the globe keep on setting up crusades like â€Å"Be Net-wise†it could lessen the potential possibility of misuse on the web and make individuals around the globe increasingly certain to peruse the web unafraid from misuse and use it for more noteworthy's benefit in discovering data. And furthermore if the remainder of the world follows the EU’s case of putting resources into innovation to expand advancement and improvement, the economies of the world will all profit through the opposition of organizations and will in all likelihood experience an expansion in monetary development. At last, I genuinely accept that if the world proceeds on this way, I accept that through the improvement of innovation we could eventually make my situation an undeniable chance, and we could diminish the holes between the social classes, and could at last advantage later on through having more opportunity and decision.
Friday, August 21, 2020
I auditioned for a musical
I auditioned for a musical In eighth grade, I was Tessie in my schools production of Little Orphan Annie. Tessie is, like Annie, a little orphan, but unlike Annie, shes a wimp. When situations get rough, she jumps on her bed to get as far away from the action as possible, shrieking OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY GOODNESS! At some point, our director told us that he assigned roles based partly on what fit best with our real personalities. I was horrified. Six years went by six years of staying as far away from singing for an audience as possible. Dont get me wrong: I love to sing. Im no good at it, though, and there are very few people Im willing to sing in front of. Late in the evening, I walk back to French House along the back of the dorm buildings, because pedestrians are scarce along that stretch of Memorial Drive, and the cars and river add comforting background noise. When no one else is around, I shoot for the high notes without worrying about damaging anyones stereocilia. I belt it out. I emote without worrying that people think Im crazy. I only auditioned for Little Orphan Annie because my best friend auditioned too, and we took comfort in solidarity. Otherwise, auditioning for a musical is basically my worst nightmare: not only can people hear me sing, but theyre listening to me sing, and judging the quality of my voice, which I have already judged to be less than good. Now, on the subject of auditioning for musicals: a week or so ago, a notice went out about auditions for a musical written entirely by MIT students, two of whom are from my living group. It read: Please come prepared to sing 16-32 bars of a song that shows off your vocal quality and range. Feeling disinclined to demonstrate my lack of both, I ignored the e-mail. I didnt delete it, though. I let it sit in my inbox and stare up at me, saying hey Anna, remember how fun Annie was? Remember how much you love to sing? Remember that post you wrote about doing things you find scary? Are you really such a hypocrite? Ignore, ignore, ignore. Last week, Julie (the musicals composer, who used to live in French House with me) sent out an e-mail to the living group: You should audition if any of the following are true, she said. You want to be a part of this once in a lifetime opportunity to originate a role for the stage. You have never been in a show, but would like to try something new this IAP. You are looking for the most fun thing to do at MIT this IAP. You love to sing. You love to act. You love to dance. You love me Yes, sure. Yes. Yes, of course not sure embarrassing myself in front of an audience is it, though. Yes, in private. Sure, but Im awful at it. Yes, in private. YES, I LOVE YOU JULIE. I had a hard time justifying NOT auditioning, so I sent Julie an e-mail explaining the source of my uneasiness. She told me that everone finds auditioning terrifying, but its never as bad as one imagines. I said I had basically no acting experience. She said that enthusiasm was more important than experience. I mentioned that Im a terrible singer. She mentioned that there are dance-specific roles. I asked if I could just dance for my audition, and not sing. She said no. I puttered about for a few days wondering what to do. Wednesday night, I told my boyfriend (who wrote the lyrics for the musical) about my exchange with Julie. He got all excited. YOU SHOULD AUDITION! I face-planted into a pillow and moaned about how terrifying it would be. He agreed that yes, it would be, but pointed out that that wasnt a reason to not do it. Since hes familiar with MTGs audition process, I grilled him on the format turns out there would be a panel of people watching. Humiliate myself in front of a panel of judges? I dont think so. Alright, he said. But youll always wonder: WHAT IF? I scowled at him. As an afterthought, he added and you could write a blog post about it! Ugh. FINE! I opened Youtube to find a song to sing. After subjecting the two of us to ~30 minutes of my voice, I settled on Colors of the Wind, from Pocahontas, since its a song I could sing in my sleep. Auditions were from 7-9pm. I had neuroscience recitation from 7-8, and couldnt stop fidgeting. At 8:15, I printed off the sheet music I needed for auditions, and sat all huddled up outside the Student Center for a while, singing softly, under my breath. At 8:30, I went through a major attitude check. I was being a wimp. What would Eleanor Roosevelt say? Do one thing every day that scares you, thats what. This certainly qualified. I steeled myself and marched up to the third floor. I signed in. I filled out a couple of forms. I hyperventilated a bit. At 9:10, they called me in. I was ushered through a set of double doors, into a big room with a piano, and a long row of desks and a long panel of people. They introduced themselves, smiling politely, and I thought: I want to leave. I stayed. I handed my sheet music to the accompanist, who beamed at me, and I thought: I wonder what they would do if I ran. I stayed. Okay! the pianist said. Were going to start with a range check. A RANGE CHECK? Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I needed a bed to jump on. Or maybe a window to jump out of. I needed to pull a Tessie and bail. I didnt. I sang, instead. I sang the first verse, and then had to stop, because I got out of sync with the piano I explained that I hadnt sung it with a piano accompaniment before. Theyre going to kick me out, I thought. Julie told me I could sing it a cappella, if that would make me more comfortable. I started over, so terrified my body went rigid and my throat felt constricted. After that trauma, I had to read a few lines from the script, from two different characters. The first character was furious, and swearing wildly. That went fine, since, well I sort of felt like doing that anyway. The second was a narrator, and that went fine as well. The last task was to be taught a dance routine, and perform it twice for the judges. Im lucky it was twice, because I totally blanked on the first try and spent the last few counts gaping at the panel. I did a pretty sweet somersault both times, though. After that, I left the room. I felt very calm, and totally zapped of all mental, physical, emotional energy. I walked back to French House like a zombie, along the front of the dorm buildings. Suddenly, from behind me blasted very passionate, out-of-key, off-pitch singing. I (and the people walking in front of me) turned to see where it was coming from. A guy rode by on his bike, belting out some song that he obviously loved, not caring at all that people were staring. I beamed at him. I would have given him a high five, if he werent, you know, on a bike. What an awesome way to be. Anyway, the audition didnt go spectacularly, but whatever. Its over. I did it. I wont have to wonder what if. And I found out that in real life, Im not like Tessie. Added 3 Dec: Umwoah. I got a callback. So Ill be back there tomorrow, doing more lines-reading and singing. Wish me luck! Added 5 Dec: I GOT THE PART! WOOHOOOOO wait. Now I have to perform it. In February. This is going to be an adventure.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Management Concepts - 2281 Words
Management Concept Introduction Organizations come in various sizes and shapes with the aim to perform specific functions. Generally the functions of the organization can be classified as either formal or informal (Naoum, 2001, p.1). A formal function produces a visible product that is usually consumed by the various portions of the society that normally are outside the organization. An informal function does not produce a result immediately visible to the outside society for example organizing a function (Naoum, 2001, p.1). Basically, with this both functions the organization aim is to achieve certain and specific objectives through the collection of the people and other resources (Naoum, 2001, p.1). The resources are always†¦show more content†¦Therefore, management can be said to be the process that involves planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling resources in order to achieve specific goals. Leadership Leadership, constitute an aspect that has drawn much literature. No particular common definition has been arrived at but any attempt to defining a leader are done in terms of; group processes, personality, compliance, particular behaviors, persuasion, power, goal achievement, interaction, role differentiation and initiation of structures (Naoum, 2001, p.193). In many cases, leadership is defined in terms of the specific theoretical framework and whichever case you define it, it will have a difference. There are three distinct theoretical bases for effective leadership: trait theory which considers a leader to have a set of trait or attributes which may not be possessed by others (Naoum, 2001, p.194). Such traits may include; intelligence, confidence and decisiveness. The second theory is the style theory which looks at the approaches a leader uses for a job to be done, the third theory is, leadership theory that looks at the contingency factors that determine the best type of l eadership towards success (Naoum, 2001, p.194). Management vs. Leadership Similarities Management and leadershipShow MoreRelatedImplementing 5S Concept in Warehouse Management1031 Words  | 5 PagesIMPLEMENTING 5S CONCEPT IN WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT 5S concept is reference to a list of five Japanese words which transliterated and translate into English, start with the letter S and are the name of a methodology. 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In fact they all are, and they haveRead MoreThe Concept Of Scientific Management2631 Words  | 11 Pages An assignment On Criticism of Scientific Management Submitted To: Department of Management University of Dhaka Submitted By: Name:Sahedul Islam Roll:18055 Sec:A 18th batch Dept. of Managemet Read MoreThe Concepts Of Leadership And Management2619 Words  | 11 PagesIntroduction 3 Task 1 3 An analysis of the concepts of leadership and management 3 An evaluation of the key management and leadership theories 4 An assessment of the challenges of leadership and management practice 6 Task 2 7 An analysis of the key motivational theories and how they influence organizational success 7 Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory 7 McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y 8 Vroom: Expectancy Theory 8 An analysis of the contribution of performance management techniques as organizational processesRead MoreConcept Of Operation Management For Senior Management972 Words  | 4 PagesConcept of Operation An operation is characterized as far as the mission it serves for the association, innovation it utilizes what s more, the human and administrative procedures it includes. 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KM is the base for evidence-informed decision making, because it requires organizations and/or individuals to create, access, exchange and translate knowledgeRead MoreThe Concepts Of Strategic Management Essay2117 Words  | 9 Pages GSBS 6060 – Strategic Management Individual Research Paper Topic: â€Å"Outline and discuss the concepts of strategic capabilities, core competencies and strategic competitive advantage and how they relate. In your discussion, consider how CEOs utilise these concepts in the strategic management process to build and sustain a firm s competitive position†Scott Dean - 3034331 10-5-2016 Abstract Strategic management is a fundamental part of any organisation and describes the framework used to understand
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Flashes in the Sky The Origins of Meteors
Have you ever watched a meteor shower? They happen very frequently when Earths orbit takes it through the debris left behind by a comet or asteroid orbits the Sun. For example, Comet Tempel-Tuttle is the parent of the November Leonid shower. Meteor showers are made up of meteoroids, tiny bits of material that vaporize in our atmosphere and leave behind a glowing trail. Most meteoroids do not fall to Earth, although a few do. A meteor is a glowing trail left behind as the debris streaks through the atmosphere. When they hit the ground, meteoroids become meteorites. Millions of these solar system bits slam into our atmosphere (or fall to Earth) each day, which tells us that our area of space isnt exactly pristine. Meteor showers are especially concentrated meteoroid falls. These so-called shooting stars are actually a remnant of our solar systems history. Where Do Meteors Come From? Earth orbits through a surprisingly messy set of trails each year. The bits of space rock that occupy those trails are shed by comets and asteroids and can remain for quite a long time before they encounter Earth. The composition of meteoroids varies depending on their parent body, but are commonly made of nickel and iron. A meteoroid doesnt typically just fall off of an asteroid; it has to be liberated by a collision. When asteroids slam into each other, little bits and pieces settle back onto the surfaces of the larger chunks, which then assume some kind of orbit around the Sun. That material then gets shed as the chunk moves through space, possibly through interaction with the solar wind, and forms a trail. Material from a comet is usually made up of bits of ice, specks of dust, or sand-sized grains, which are blown off the comet by the action of the solar wind. These tiny specks, too, form a rocky, dusty trail. The Stardust mission studied Comet Wild 2 and found crystalline silicate rock bits that had escaped the comet and eventually made it into Earths atmosphere. Everything in the solar system began in a primordial cloud of gas, dust, and ice. The bits of bits of rock, dust, and ice that stream from asteroids and comets and end up as meteoroids mostly date back to the very formation of the solar system. The ices clustered onto the grains and eventually accumulated to form the nuclei of comets. The rocky grains in asteroids clustered together to form larger and larger bodies. The biggest ones became the planets. The rest of the debris, some of which remains in orbit in the near-Earth environment, gathered into whats now known as the Asteroid Belt. The primordial cometary bodies eventually gathered in the outer regions of the solar system, in areas called the Kuiper Belt and the outermost region called the Ãâ€"ort Cloud. Periodically, these objects escape into orbits around the Sun. As they get closer, they shed material, forming meteoroid trails. What You See When a Meteoroid Flares When a meteoroid enters Earths atmosphere, it gets heated by friction with the gases that make up our blanket of air. These gases are generally moving pretty fast, so they appear to burn up high in the atmosphere, 75 to 100 kilometers up. Any surviving pieces could fall to the ground, but most of these little bits of solar system history are too small for that. Larger pieces make longer and brighter trails called bolides. Most of the time, meteors look like white flashes of light. Occasionally you can see colors flaring in them. Those colors indicate something about the chemistry of the region in the atmosphere it flies through and the material contained in the debris. Orange-ish light indicates atmospheric sodium being heated. Yellow is from superheated iron particles likely from the meteoroid itself. A red flash comes from the heating of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere, while blue-green and violet come from magnesium and calcium in the debris. Can We Hear Meteors? Some observers report hearing noises as a meteoroid moves across the sky. Sometimes its a quiet hissing or swishing sound. Astronomers are still not completely sure why the hissing noises happen. Other times, theres a very obvious sonic boom, particularly with the larger bits of space debris. The folks who witnessed the Chelyabinsk meteor over Russia experienced a sonic boom and shock waves as the parent body burst apart over the ground. Meteors are fun to watch for in the nighttime skies, whether they simply flare overhead or end up with meteorites on the ground. As you watch them, remember that youre literally seeing bits of solar system history vaporize before your eyes!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Theory Of Management And Management - 2177 Words
F. W. Taylor Scientific Management Scientific management, also called Taylorism, was a theory of management that analyses and synthesizes workflow. Its main objective is the improvement of economic efficiency, especially labour productivity. It was one of the first attempts to apply science to the engineering of processes and management. Its development began with Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 1880s and 1890s in manufacturing. Its peak of influence came in the 1910s; in the 1920s, it was still influential, but began an era of competition and syncretism with opposing or complementary ideas. Although the scientific direction of a theory or school of distinct thought was obsolete in the 1930s, most of its themes are still important elements of industrial engineering and management today. These include the analysis; synthesis; logic; rationality; empiricism; work ethic; efficiency and waste disposal; standardization of best practices; contempt for tradition preserved only for herself or to protect the social status of particular workers with particular skill sets; the transformation of craft production to mass production; and transfer between workers and workers in the tools, processes and documentation. Pursuit of economic efficiency: Although the terms scientific management and Taylorism are generally treated as synonyms, work of Frederick Taylor marks only the first form of scientific management, followed by other approaches; So in the theory ofShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Management And Management1690 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Management is one of the remarkable activities within human society began with a group or to an larger organization that are able to accomplish a same goals and objectives, by defining what is management and how is important to human being society many management theorists have produces (many models that can be used for successful organization change and winners respond to the past and complexity of change and adapt learn and act quickly (Mildred,G. Sonia T. 2008 ) different theories or viewsRead MoreManagement Theory And Management Theories1254 Words  | 6 Pagespurpose of developing the management theories is to bring out better ways to manage people. According to Aguinaldo Powell (2002), management theory evolves con-stantly with the continuous stream of new ideas that come from the attempts to transform theory into practice, and vice versa. As essential personnel identify promising methods that assist in managing responsibilities, it will lead to management theories pr ogressing. This paper will il-lustrate how management theories have emerged over theRead MoreManagement Theory And Management Theories1272 Words  | 6 Pagespurpose of developing the management theories is to bring out better ways to manage people. According to Aguinaldo Powell (2002), management theory evolves con-stantly with the continuous stream of new ideas that come from the attempts to transform theory into practice, and vice versa. As essential personnel identify promising methods that assist in managing responsibilities, it will lead to management theories progressing. This paper will il-lustrate how management theories have emerged over theRead MoreManagement Theory Of Management And Management937 Words  | 4 Pagesnumber of theories have been used in company management. However, management of company could not be effective if only rely on theories. In fact, a good company development requires not only suitable theories selection but also consistency wit h practice in appropriate organization environment. Further, a company’s successful also need team work, creatively to together process. This essay focuses on how to make the company management effectively with some cases. There is no doubt that theory of managementRead MoreManagement Theories And Management Theory1003 Words  | 5 PagesManagement Theories Management theory can be used in many organizations when starting out a business. It addresses how managers and leaders relate to their organization in the knowledge of their goals. It implements on how to set the goals and motivate their employees to perform in a high standard. Management theory consist of three important aspects operation strategy, innovation management and process management. Operation Strategy is to maximize the effectiveness of the whole production, butRead MoreManagement Theories Of Management Theory2222 Words  | 9 PagesManagement Theories Evolution Management practice cannot exist without the support of a theory. The complex character of management as the scholarly discipline, the variety of opinions concerning the essence and content of management theory, require systematizing knowledge about this phenomenon. Management theory is a relatively new science since its systematic development and academic research has started mostly in the 20th century. Although it is difficult to name the most important theories andRead MoreThe Management Theory Of Management1229 Words  | 5 PagesManagement has experienced remarkable shifts in the way that organizations conduct business particularly in the last century, due to the evolving workplace as well as tremendous changes in the roles of leaders in organizations. Early managers often relied on authoritative tactics to get the job done, which we have learned from history does not work very well for many modern organizations. In this paper, I will be analyzing the management approach my o rganization takes and whether this is the bestRead MoreTheories Of Management And Management1721 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Management exists in business and human organizations; it is the set of tasks, activities leading to achieve a common desired objectives through people and resources. Management takes place within a structured organizational scenery with specified roles. It is the framework to what management is all about. Classical school Taylor, Fayol, Weber, HR School Hawthorne, Chester Barnard Blake Mouton’s, Mayo. Classical management school had three mainstreams namely Classical ScientificRead MoreThe Contingency Management Theory And Management Theories1164 Words  | 5 Pagesof management, understand different management theories and to apply them appropriately depending on the organization, the mission and the situation. Flexibility is one of the greatest traits a manager can possess in an extremely competitive market. One management theory that subscribes to flexibility is the contingency management theory. Adaptability is crucial in today’s business environment, e specially for organizations trying to remain significant in global industries. All management theoriesRead MoreThe Theory Of Management And The Scientific Management Theory Essay1208 Words  | 5 PagesTheories of management date back to the beginning of times. Every aspect of life contains some form of management. From managing oneself, to managing employees, to managing an entire corporation, management is a key part of life. Over time different theories have been developed and have evolved. Some of the first theories ever explored include the administrative management theory and the scientific management theory. While both of these theories were studied in depth, I believe that one of the greatest
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Nursing for Clinical Judgment and Ethics-
Question: Discuss about theNursing for Clinical Judgment and Ethics. Answer: Nursing is the backbone of healthcare system of the county. Most of the times, nurses are given the responsibility to save the lives of the people at crucial circumstances. They regularly encounter the dilemma of making ethically sound decisions. In healthcare profession, the nurses must realize the importance of accurate record-keeping and maintaining ethical conduct related to signatures. In the present essay, the ethical issue of signature forging is discussed. In the given case, a colleague is asked to attend the class and forge the signature in the attendance sheet of the student. It can be perceived as an unethical behavior. In the nursing profession, signature forging is considered as a serious disciplinary matter. In such situation, the nursing student must be charged under the discipline regulations of the University. The nursing ethical committee and the University discipline committee heavily penalize such misconduct. It is due to the fact that the nursing profession is ba sed on ethics, integrity, sense of responsibility and self-discipline. In this essence, the present essay will discuss the issue of signature forging and provide possible actions to address the issue. Forging of signature is a serious ethical issue and required immediate legal action. Even in normal circumstances, forging signature should be addressed with legal action as it can result in fraud. The results of signature forging are negative on the finances and the image of the person. Moreover, the nursing professionals have to be ethically responsible as they have the responsibility of protecting the lives of the patients. The case of signature forgery among the students is a serious issue. It is a common practice among the students to forge each others signature in the attendance sheet. However, it encourages absenteeism. Moreover, students do not value the importance of being present in the class. This behavior should be immediately reported to the ethical committee (Park, Kjervik, Crandell, Oermann, 2012). The nurses have the responsibility of protecting the health, safety and the rights of the patients. It is unethical behavior of the nurses to forge the signature of the patients or a colleague. It impacts the right of other person in making an informed, self-derived and autonomous decision. The nurses have a high job responsibility as they have to honor, protect ad respect the right of patients and their peers. The nurses must honor their rights and the rights of their patients. While making ethical decisions, the nurses must be attentive to the legal language and understand how their actions affect others (Cannaerts, Gastmans Casterl, 2014). In order to promote ethical actions, the government and the nursing committee have made several laws to address the fraud and abuse in the healthcare. These committees are also focused on encouraging moral behavior in the name of ethics. It is the responsibility of the organization to motivate moral behavior, settling disagreement and controversies among different people (Johnstone, 2011). The committees have designed ethical guidelines to promote ethical behavior among the nurses. The nursing ethics is a specific discipline, which concerns with the ethical behavior in the field of nursing. The nursing principles are concerned with several values, such as beneficence, non-maleficence and respect for autonomy. Other than that, the nursing ethics are also based on emphasis on relationships, human dignity and collaborative care to the patients. The nurses have the ethical responsibility to address the high-quality care to the patients (Bollig, Gjengedal Rosland, 2016). Therefore, they should be familiar to the ethical code of conduct and use them in the decision making. The international nursing code of conduct is culturally adapted so that the nurses can adapt their behavior according to the geographical location and the behavior of the customers. The ethical codes provide the required elements for the ethical conduct and assist the nurses in taking the ethical decisions. The nurses have several duties such as to work as clinical nurse, researcher, administrator and the policy makers. The nursing ethics also acknowledge them that they are required to make ethical decisions and the value of their profession as they provide direct care to the patients, teaching nursing staff, performing research and supervision and management to the teaching staff. The nursing educators also owe importance of understanding the legal and ethical standards to increase the capability of the nurses. The ethical duties also raise the awareness of the nurses regarding the significance of certain duties and responsibilities. In the recent years, several issues have occurred, in which experienced nurses have broken the ethical code of conduct. These situations have highlighted the importance of specialized ethics and nursing education in the education. In the nursing profession, ethics encompass values, rights, duties and responsibilities. The ethical codes are used to interact with the patients, colleagues and other professionals. The nursing educators should adopt a holistic approach to establish a proper value system among the students. The ethical issue will expand the intellectual capacity of the students. As a professional, they will be more emotionally stable and morally mature. The ethical case study will increase the ethical awareness of the s tudents, which will make them proficient in handling the ethical dilemma. It also makes the student ready to handle the ethical conflicts, which will be encountered in the future practice (Grace DRN, 2017). The ethical education also helps the professional in developing a sense of identity, which promotes the professional development. Therefore, education interventions are needed at the beginning of the professional education as the students realize the importance of ethical education. By following the ethical rules, the nursing students will also be able to develop desirable relationships with the other nurses. The nursing ethics education require lecture regarding nursing ethics and professionalism. The content of the lectures should be based on the learning objectives designed by the international nursing committee. The learning objectives should focus on the concepts of nursing ethics, ethical thinking, ethics pertaining to the nurses and the clients, professional establishment and characteristics of the nursing profession. It should also encompass the theories and the real life case-studies (Kang, 2017). While discussing the ethics and the responsibility of the nurse, it is important to realize that these ethical values must be imbibed in the education of the nurses. It is important to make the nursing students aware the importance of the ethical conduct in their professional behavior. In the present case, a nursing student tried to breach the ethics and tried to adopt unethical behavior. In such case, it is important that the nursing student is realizes that his behavior is inappropriate. However, to change the attitude and demonstrate the importance of the issue, the case must be notified to the University ethics committee. The university ethics committee will take strict action and heavily penalize the student. The student should realize that je is certifying the acquisition of knowledge, which he has not received. The nursing profession is a responsible profession and the nurses have to deal with critical situations, which often involve the life of the people (Benner, Tanner Chesla, 2009). In this case, it is important that the nurses have attained the knowledge, for which they are giving guarantee. If the student passes with the certification, he might be given some critical responsibility in his professional career (Ulrich, Taylor, Soeken, ODonnell, Farrar, Danis Grady, 2010). However, the student will not be able to handle this responsibility. Therefore, in nursing, forgery in attendance sheet results in severe outcomes. The patients are not the only stakeholder in the treatment of the patients, but it also includes the patients family and the healthy people in the society, which are part of the plans and services provided to the patient. The nurses must realize that their actions will not only play with the lives of the patients but it will also affect the lives of their families. Here, it can be critiqued that ethical and professional authenticity and ethical b behavior is important in the nursing profession. The importance of following ethical behavior should be enforced to the students during their education. The nurses often have to work in a fast-paced and technical environment. It is their responsibility to take ethically sound decisions about the patient care and share it with other healthcare professionals. The nurses should be prepared about such situations from their undergraduate years. The development of ethical behavior and adherence to the ethical standards is important part of nursing profession. The nurses must be capable of developing trust and they are also needed to demonstrate compassion and empathy to the nurses. Most of the times, nurse work alone in the treatment of the patients and they have to perform duties according to the physicians instructions or use their own judgement in urgent situations. Ethics assure that the nurses are indulging in fair and equal treatment to all the patients including economic status, age, ethnic background and sexual orientation. Therefore, ethics have important role in the nursing education. Nursing ethics are important for making the s tudents an important member of the society and offering them highest ideals of the nursing profession. The nursing education has a critical role in developing a climate, which makes the student exercise sound judgement, practice ethical standards, supporting the colleagues and committing to their profession. Therefore, any instance of unethical behavior must be shunned immediately by the nursing educators and the committees (Benner, Tanner Chesla, 2009). There are other codes of ethic, which states that the nurses should respect the individual dignity of the patients, and it should be regardless of the cultural, socio-economic, gender or ethnic background of the individual. The international code of conduct also emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior in the nursing profession. The fourth element of the code elaborates on the ethical conduct of the nursing professionals, which emphasize the ethical behavior between the nurses and co-workers. As practitioners and managers, the nurses should develop a workplace system, which support the professional and ethical value at the workplace (ICN, 2012). Therefore, the university should take strict action to combat such behavior. The university should make the student aware that such behavior is inappropriate and unacceptable in terms of nursing profession. The nurse should behave in an ethical manner. The student must be given a chance to justify himself. However, if he is still found guilty, he should be penalized financially and suspended from the college. He must be able to realize the importance of nursing ethics. Conclusively, it can be stated that the ethics are important part of the nursing profession. The ethical education is indispensable in the development of the ethical value system among the nursing students. In the present essay, the case of signature forgery among the students has been evaluated. It is a common practice among the students wherein they forge each others signature in the attendance sheet. It promotes absenteeism and the students do not value the importance of being present in the class. Other than that, signature forgery is a serious ethical issue. This behavior should be immediately reported and the University should heavily penalize the students involved in such type of crime. It is recommended that the universities and the educators should use different approaches in teaching ethics to the students. There are several approaches such as the use of movies, documentary videos, press release and discussions. 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